Enactus universiapolis

Our global network drives our impact. Enactus is a network of 33 independent country offices, our global organization, and partners that provide curricular innovations, student team support, and funding.

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We believe investing in students who take entrepreneurial action for others creates a better world for us all.

  • Entrepreneurial

    igniting business innovation with integrity and passion.

  • Action

    the experience of social impact that sparks social enterprise.

  • Us

    student, academic and business leaders collaborating to create a better world.

33 independent country offices united by common purpose, values and approach.

  • Strengthening country capacity
  • Sharing learning & innovation across borders
  • Providing students with global learning experiences
  • Accelerating student & alumni-founded social enterprises
Diverse partners that contribute curricular innovations, student team supporting, and funding.

Our annual report highlights

explore the key figures, highlights, and achievements that marked our path last year. From unforgettable social events to exceptional accomplishments in our core activities,

Rapport 2022/2023

Discover Our Projects

Discover our positive impact through a variety of innovative projects. From promoting education to creating sustainable solutions, explore how Enactus Universiapolis transforms ideas into meaningful actions.